I woke up full of rage. Feeling the injustice towards the women of this eARTh...
I know there is injustice to all beings, all life. there is greed motivating it all as an undercurrent-- there are the wounds we all wear-- women, men-- all of us here on the human eARTh plan-- and all the extinction-- wiping out the innocent yet fierce wild cats of this world --
when we are down to less than 5000 tigers in the world and maybe even less wild women with a voice-- then how are we not to see the man as a hunter?
There is a deep desire in me live in peace, harmony & love. I think most of us feel that so we do the best we can to make it so. .. even if that means suppressing our truths to smile pretty.
and smiling pretty has a high cost:
1. The revenue of the U.S. cosmetic industry is estimated to amount to about 62.46 billion U.S. dollars in 2016.
2. Then all the chemicals we put in our body for those beauty fixes:
Indeed, inside all those gleaming bottles and tubes we take for granted lurks a cocktail of dangerous synthetic chemicals that research suggests may be responsible for everything from reproductive complications to allergies and cancer.
In her new book, Toxic Beauty, investigative journalist DAWN MELLOWSHIP takes a look at what's really in our cosmetics. ..3. the lost of our nature, the beauty of being-- who we are-- that birth right lost to push to be cyborgs-- to wear masks, to fit in to molds we where meant to break.
-- not that I am saying let go in a way that is unhealthy... treat your body like a temple-- it fucking is... all life is made through our bodies-- yet we get treated with so little respect, a few are adorned, there is love and there is joy in playing with outter beauty. I am not against it in healthy ways... I am not against it in a balanced world--so let's get back to bring that balance.
i have been on this life long journey of finding out what it means to be human, as we all have, the things I find have awed me, and the injustice -- is so wide spread:::
we are all walking wounded.
admit it. feel it. wash it clean.
come on join me in washing out the depths of your deepest darkest sore spots.
where is your heART broken and your soul torn?
i have been broken by war, raised by a single mother fighting against poverty and dis-ease...
of being left broken my a man who would rather have anything but the woman who bared his children--
a epidemic of men who do not honor the mother and seek the whore--
leaving the house wife and mothers longing for love, crying at night.
just like the whore- lonely and dreaming of love. until we do not anymore... until almost all hope is lost-- like it is now- almost all over the world.
yes there are a few good men, a few great men,
there are many with great intentions-- but lost to the wounds and the ways of the world that teach them for eons that women are put on eARTh to serve them, look pretty like blow up dolls do...
and then the sweet docile ones--
knowing injustice is taking place and just sitting back and benefiting by default.
your silence is not welcome, or tolerated anymore-- it is not good enough to be good enough without helping your brothers rise in consciousness-- you are your actions NOT your intentions.
i benefit from being white-- by dealt-- i know it-- i understand the system and the ranking and i activity live the change to acknowledge this-- to speak it-- to change it actively .
I know several men in this realm of self declared healers that do sexual 'healing' work on women...
they speak to the noble cause and purity, yet if a older woman or a 'not so hot' women is on the table the sexual work is off the table-- so all the fucking justifications they have are bullshit.
I will no longer tolerate the intolerable.
I fucking would lead an army in this moment-- but you cannot destroy the masters house with the masters tools.
so we have to be wiser, see the birds eye view, find our way out of this maze of inequality. ...
because all of us want love and loving and joy and all the sweet stuff--
yet if we do not face the bitter stuff then we fucking rote and stink and invest others with our mess.
so clean up. clean the fuck up.
as within so without.