Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bring to Life the Master Piece within. An Ode to Ernst Fuchs))))*

Today there is a show going on in Vienna in district 10:10-- It was there I spent one of the favorite moments of my life.

I felt like a child whose dreams where realized.  I wanted to grow up and be just like this.  I was in love with art the way one should be: deeply & completely.

To see Ernst Fuchs Villa, to watch him paint christ deep into the night.  I watch the magic of creation flowing like nigra falls from a man whose body was frail and worn so that you may think only a trickle of creation would find its way through his tired and worn views-- rather the rushing continued to plus from him in a way that there is no question that the spirit of creation was so alive in this man that he may have been a five year old boy or a teenager in love for the first time.

it was a perfect reflection of life in its wholeness- not just one range of the spectrum but as close to the whole thing as I have ever found: celebrated was the perverse and the profound, that of this world and that of the next and another beyond that.

There where hyper colors, stained glass, molded gold, humble pencil:: every medium had ben explored, every truth had been turned on its side like rocks turned looking for that one hidden key-- that one truth he was born to share.

What a profound and power-filled artist.

I strive each day to live more and more, to stretch further in the spectrum of our understandings.

Splash color across everything...

This is an ode to all beings brave enough to illustrate the profound workings of creativity.

With special thanks to Amanda Sage for inviting us into the realm where surrealism and the 3-d world become one.  If you are in Vienna you must make your way to this epicenter of bold brilliance.

May you be so inspired as to create until your last breath as Fuchs was....  long live the eternal.

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